Reclaim Your Confidence. Say Goodbye to Man Boobs

Gynecomastia Surgery in Bangalore


Reclaim Your
Say Goodbye to
Man Boobs

in Bangalore


Feeling Self-Conscious About Man boobs?
Get Help for Gynecomastia in Bangalore.

  • Transform your chest with safe and effective Gynaecomastia Surgery

    in Bangalore.
  • Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre offers advanced techniques to achieve your desired body contour.
  • Gynaecomastia surgery is typically performed by experienced cosmetic surgeons who specialize in body contouring.
  • Schedule a consultation with Dr Girish who is a board-certified Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon with 18+ years of experience with special interest in Gynaecomastia surgery, by calling +919480281652, for personalized advice and to discuss your Gynaecomastia goals.

What is Gynecomastia in bangalore?

Gynecomastia (Man Boobs) is a condition where:

  • Female type of chest change is observed in males.
  • Usually affects between the age group of 13-30 years.
  • These changes will either remain the same or continue to grow.
  • There is no possibility of it naturally reducing.
Unlock newfound confidence with the Gynecomastia Procedure at Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre, led by the esteemed Dr. Girish AC. Gynecomastia, the enlargement of male breast tissue, can be distressing. Dr. Girish AC's expertise offers a solution. Using cutting-edge techniques, he skillfully sculpts a more masculine chest profile, resolving this common concern. With minimal scarring and rapid recovery, you can confidently reclaim your self-image.

Gynaecomastia Surgery Before & After Images

Man boob surgery results in Bangalore: Front view of a man's chest before and after gynecomastia surgery, showing a dramatic reduction in breast tissue. The left image displays gynecomastia, the right image shows a flat, masculine chest

Before & After

Gynecomastia treatment in Bangalore: Side view showcasing chest contour improvement with surgery. The left image shows gynecomastia, the right image displays a more sculpted chest after procedure

Before & After

Gynecomastia surgery side view: See the difference in chest contour after surgery in Bangalore. The left image shows gynecomastia, the right image shows a more defined, masculine chest profile

Before & After

Before and after gynecomastia surgery in Bangalore: Front view of a patient's chest highlighting improved definition. The left image shows enlarged breast tissue, the right image displays a flatter, more toned chest

Before & After

Gynecomastia correction in Bangalore: Side view of a man's chest before and after surgery. The left image shows gynecomastia, the right image displays a more contoured, natural appearance

Before & After

Gynecomastia surgery results: Side view of a patient's chest after gynecomastia treatment in Bangalore. The left image shows gynecomastia, the right image displays a more sculpted and masculine chest contour

Before & After

What is the cost / price of Gynecomastia Surgery in Bangalore?

  • The Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Bangalore cost ranges between Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 80,000 + GST, which includes Anaesthesia fees, Hospital facility (OT, ward, Medicines), and Surgeon's fee.
  • Insurance is not covered for Gynaecomastia surgery as it is a done on purely cosmetic grounds.
  • Easy EMI options are available.

Causes of gynecomastia in men in bangalore

Men can develop Gynecomastia, without any known cause in the majority. However, there are certain other rare factors that can lead to this condition that includes:

  • Family History.
  • Hormonal imbalance.
  • Liver failure.
  • Excess Alcohol Intake.

Gynecomastia, the enlargement of male breast tissue, can be distressing. Dr. Girish expertise offers a solution. Using cutting-edge techniques, he skillfully sculpts a more masculine chest profile, resolving this common concern. With minimal scarring and rapid recovery, you can confidently reclaim your self-image.

Benifits of choosing Curls & Curves for your Man Boob Surgery

Centre of Excellence

Guaranteed Results

18+ Years of Experience

Quick Recovery

Advanced Technology

Short Hospital Duration

What are the symptoms of Gynecomastia in Bangalore?

  • Lump / fullness in one or both the breasts.
  • Puffiness of the areola.
  • Pain or a sense of discomfort felt in one or both the breasts.

What are the types of Gynecomastia in bangalore?

Gynecomastia is classified into two types.

  • Type 1 has: Grades 1, 2A/2B and 3.
  • Type 2 has: Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4.

How to diagnose Gynecomastia in Bangalore?

Usually, clients complain of fullness in their chests. They can do self-examination where they can pinch with four fingers & thumb to hold the gland which will be hard / firm structure.

What are the treatment options for Gynecomastia in Bangalore?

  • Since Gynecomastia is a condition that combines excess resistant fat and excess firm gland, it cannot be cured by mere exercises and diet control.
  • Gynecomastia surgery gives immediate & permanent results.
  • Management remains same for grade 1 to 3 that is liposuction & gland excision. For grade 4 Chestplasty is preferred.

How Gynecomastia surgery done in Bangalore?

  • Consultation, grading is discussed.
  • Blood tests.
  • Area of surgery is marked.
During Procedure
  • Procedure is done under general anaesthesia as it is a safer option than local anaesthesia where pain can be managed very well.
  • Liposuction removes resistant fat from front & sides of the chest through small incision in the axilla & thorough gland removal is done through lower peri areolar incision except leaving behind normal cuff of tissue.
  • Surgery is performed using safe, advanced technology driven equipment’s like VASER & power assisted liposuction.
  • Duration is around 2-3 hours.
  • Operated area is secured with absorbable stitches & dressing is done along with pressure garment.
  • It’s an evidence-based surgery. Whatever gland removed & fat removed will be shown to the clients.
  • Results are immediate, normal & natural looking chest contours are achieved which is shown to the clients after surgery.

What are the benefits of Gynecomastia Treatment in Bangalore?

Gynaecomastia is a very embarrassing situation for males. Suffering persons usually won’t discuss the matter with their family members, nor with friends & relatives. They are psychologically depressed, always wear loose clothes / pullovers, sometimes wear tight pressure garments to hide the problem. They try not to mingle with friends & relatives, avoid sports & swimming. They will have poor performance in studies or work. Gynaecomastia surgery gives the following benefits

  • Get back the self confidence in all their activities like work, studies, swimming, sports, gym, & wearing fit clothes.
  • Psychologically & emotionally, one will feel better & masculine.

Long-term results of Gynecomastia treatment in Bangalore.

  • The best treatment for Gynaecomastia that can permanently give you relief is a Gynecomastia Surgery.
  • When done by an experienced cosmetic surgeon the results are immediate, natural & normal looking chest contours that remain long-term.

What is Gynecomastia surgery recovery in Bangalore?

Dr. Girish, well-known for Gynecomastia Treatment in Bangalore emphasises that recovery is safe and smooth.

  • Rest for initial 2 days.
  • Return on day 3 for dressing removal.
  • Water proof plasters are put to enable the patient to have his bath.
  • Drive or ride from day 4.
  • Return on Day 10 for removal of water proof plasters.
  • Self-massage is advised for a month to reduce the swelling.
  • Wear pressure garments for a month.
  • Gym can be resumed after 1 month.

What to expect after Gynecomastia Surgery in Bangalore?

  • Dr Girish is known as best & top Gynaecomastia Surgeon in Bangalore, highly emphasis that you can expect natural & normal looking chest contours without any scars & permanent results.
  • You can enjoy confidently in all your activities like work, studies, swimming, sports, gym, & wearing fit clothes.



MBBS, MS, MCh (Plastic Surgery)
Sr. Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Girish is the Founder and Director at Curls & Curves and Sr. Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon. With over 18+ years of experience in conducting a wide range of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, He is regarded as the finest Cosmetic Surgeon in Bangalore and across India.
Talk to Gynecomastia Doctor
 Dr. Girish AC  Gynecomastia surgeon in Banglore


Is Gynecomastia Surgery right for me in Bangalore?

  • To decide whether gynecomastia surgery is required for you or not is to visit us for consultation, so that we can examine & guide you accordingly.
  • For those who are far away & wants to know whether gynecomastia surgery is required or not, they can send their chest photos taken properly from front & sides & WhatsApp to +919480281652.

What are the side effects / complications of Gynecomastia Surgery?

There are some following temporary recovery issues which are part of normal recovery for all Gynaecomastia cases.

All of them will recover within 2 months.

  • Slight swelling
  • Hardness
  • Paraesthesia
  • Bruise
  • Seroma
  • Apart from these rarely skin necrosis, wounds, partial nipple loss, burning pain are expected.

There are some potential complications which are rare but can happen are the following ones

  • Scars
  • Infection
  • Contour irregularities
  • Thrombus
  • Anaesthesia reaction
  • Bleeding
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Loose skin
  • Skin necrosis
  • Internal puncture
  • Puncturing of internal organs
  • Too much fluid in the lungs
  • Allergic reaction

Any experienced gynaecomastia surgeons ensures that these side effects are avoided by following safe advanced techniques, technology and see you through the surgery, safely and successfully

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