Axillary Breast Tissue Removal in Bangalore


Axillary Breast
Tissue Removal


What is Axillary Breast Tissue Removal (Underarm Lumps)?

  • Regain your normal axillary contour with Axillary Breast removal Surgery in Bangalore.
  • Axillary Breast tissue consists of glandular tissue & fat.
  • It's vulnerable to the hormonal changes.
  • It causes bulging at the armpits which will negatively affect the aesthetics & causing discomfort.
  • Schedule a consultation with Dr Girish who is a best surgeon for Axillary Breast tissue removal in Bangalore by calling +919480281652, for personalized advice and to discuss your goals.

What is treatment for underarm lumps in Bangalore?

  • Axillary Breast tissue can cause armpit to bulge unattractively.
  • This prevents your clothing from fitting properly.
  • It can get very painful and cause a lot of discomforts if left unattended for a long time.
  • It is therefore extremely essential to take corrective action immediately on spotting any relevant symptoms and save the agony of having to face serious complications.
  • Liposuction and/or excision will be performed to get rid of the Axillary Breast.

Axillary Breast Surgery Before & After Images

Before and after axillary breast removal surgery at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour.

Before & After

Before and after axillary breast removal at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour

Before & After

Before and after axillary breast removal at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour.

Before & After

Before and after axillary breast removal at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour

Before & After

Before and after axillary breast removal at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour

Before & After

Before and after axillary breast removal at Curls & Curves: Shows a woman's underarm area before and after surgery, demonstrating a reduction in axillary breast tissue and a smoother contour.

Before & After

Axillary Breast Removal Cost in Bangalore?

  • Depending upon the complexity of the surgery the average cost ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 80,000 + GST which includes anaesthesia fees, Hospital facility (OT, ward, Medicines), and Surgeon's fee.
  • Insurance is not covered for as it is a cosmetic surgery.
  • EMI options are available.
  • Book a free consultation with Dr Girish by calling or by WhatsApp to +919480281652 for personalized advice on Axillary Breast Lump removal and discuss your goals.

Benefits of Axillary Breast Tissue Removal in Bangalore

  • Giving you more comfort while wearing your clothes.
  • Removes embarrassment caused due unattractive armpit bulge.
  • Flexibility and freedom to move your arms comfortably.
  • Improves your self-esteem.

Why Choose Curls & Curves for Axillary Breast Lump Removal in Bangalore?

  • Dr Girish is a Board-certified Plastic & Cosmetic surgeon with 18+ years of experience in cosmetic surgeries & done more than 1200 cases of this kind, helping them to regain a comfortable life.
  • Dr Girish is a best surgeon for Axillary Breast tissue removal in Bangalore who has.
  • Advanced technologies, instruments, techniques are made used to deliver high precision results.
  • State of art Operation theatre & Hospital facility.
  • Proper guidance, professional care with empathy, ethical practice & transparency in cost.

What to Expect During Your Consultation for Underarm Lump Removal in Bangalore?

  • During your consultation first of all you will be examined for extent of Axillary Breast tissue, one or both sides, & loose skin.
  • You can express your goals.
  • Based on above facts, doctor will suggest which technique is preferred, whether gland excision alone or in combination with liposuction.
  • All necessary pre op, procedural details & recovery time will be discussed.

Benifits of choosing Curls & Curves for your Axillary Breast Tissue removal

Centre of Excellence

Guaranteed Results

18+ Years of Experience

Quick Recovery

Advanced Technology

Short Hospital Duration

How is Axillary Breast Tissue Removal Performed in Bangalore?

How Axillary Breast tissue removal is done in Bangalore?

  • Physical evaluation.
  • Blood tests.
  • Quit smoking & alcohol.
  • Avoid aspirin, pain killers, multivitamins, herbal medications.
  • Written informed consent.
  • Preop photos & markings are done.
During procedure
  • Procedure is done under general anaesthesia.
  • It is a day care surgery.
  • The surgery time takes about 2 hours.
  • If required liposuction is done first then excision of Axillary Breast tissue is done.
  • Incisions are made within the axilla, not crossing its anterior border.
  • Operated area is secured with absorbable stitches.
  • Pressure dressing done.

What to Expect After Axillary Breast Removal in Bangalore

  • Patient will be discharged the same evening.
  • Any little pain felt will be addressed through pain medications.
  • Start having food from the same evening.
  • Water proof plasters are put at the incision site to enable the patient to have normal bath from next day.
  • Pressure dressing for next 2 days.
  • Rest for initial 1-2 days.
  • You may experience swelling, numbness, and some discomfort in the operated area for initial few weeks.
  • Return on day 2 for first follow up.
  • Resume their routine activities after 2-3 days.
  • Walking is allowed after 2 weeks.
  • On an average 2-3 months is required for the area to recover.
  • Gym or Yoga after 2-3 months.



MBBS, MS, MCh (Plastic Surgery)
Sr. Consultant Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon

Dr. Girish is the Founder and Director at Curls & Curves and Sr. Consultant Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon. With over 18+ years of experience in conducting a wide range of cosmetic and plastic surgeries, He is regarded as the finest Cosmetic Surgeon in Bangalore and across India.
Talk to Axillary Breast Doctor
 Dr. Girish AC  Gynecomastia surgeon in Banglore


What to expect after Accessory breast removal in Bangalore?

  • It is a safe surgery.
  • An improvement will be immediately visible, however you ought to await the bulk of swelling to subside.
  • It takes 2-3 months for swelling to settle down.
  • Scar is confined to axilla which fades over a period of 1 year.
  • Results are permanent.
  • Usually, no side effects.

Complications and Side Effects of Axillary Breast Removal in Bangalore?

  • Bleeding.
  • Infection.
  • Scaring.
  • Numbness.
  • Neuralgia (Nerve pain).

Usually, either side effects are not faced or it can be minimal & temporary in the hands of experienced cosmetic breast surgeons & also because of advanced techniques.

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