Having a frequently blocked nose? It could be deeper…

Do you often suffer from a blocked nose or experience difficulty in breathing? It is better to get it checked by a doctor asap. Studies have shown that 70 to 80 percent of people suffering from frequent nose blocks and cold have septal deviations. Such deviations get easily noticed by an examiner, and this can be treated and cured.

Overview on Nasal septum

The septum or the nasal septum is a thin wall that divides the nasal cavities. A deviated septum would be when the thin wall or the septum is leaning on to one side of the nostril making them unevenly divided. In most people, the nasal passages are blocked because of this it becomes difficult to breathe. Another collateral effect of the deviated septum is nasal dryness and breathing difficulty. In some cases, either nostril gets blocked as the passage is small and, the other nostril gets exposed to drying effect and result in bleeding and crusting.

Symptoms of Deviated Nasal septum

Most septal deviations have little or no symptoms. Hence it is very easy to go unnoticed. However, there are signs if one observes keenly that may suggest that it exists, here are a few:

  • Difficulty in breathing due to a blocked nostril
  • Recurrent Nose bleeds
  • loud snoring and
  • Sinus infections

Diagnosis and treatment:

When you find any of these symptoms recurring, it is best advised to visit a doctor. On examination, with a long tube-like scope instrument, a deviated septum is easily diagnosed. A deviated septum cannot be left untreated, and earlier diagnosis is very beneficial.

Treating deviated septoplasty:

In minor cases, decongestants and nasal steroid drops are suggested. But, these lose effect in the long run. A permanent solution for a deviated septum is septoplasty. Septoplasty procedure in detail:

Based on your severity, nasal deviations are fixed either by the endoscopy method or the septo- rhinoplasty method.

In the endoscopic method, tiny incisions are made and the septum is repositioned appropriately to make space for both the nostrils. There will be a significant improvement in your breathing and once the healing is completed. Also, the severity of deviation varies so does the improvement in the after-effects of the surgery. Sometimes the deviations are more severe it demands a septo-rhinoplasty of the nose.


Septal deviations can be effectively rectified with Septoplasty. All your doubts and clarifications on septoplasty will be discussed during a consultation with Dr.Girish. Making a list of questions can be handy.

For any consultation on deviated septums call Curlsncurves now!