Where on Your Body Can You Get Liposuction?

Liposuction Surgery is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries around the globe. The presence of unwanted deposits of fat around various parts of our body is very embarrassing, especially when we have to present ourselves before society. No amount of diet restriction or exercise can give you permanent relief from this condition as a Fat Removal Surgery can do.

Let’s take a closer look.

Understanding Liposuction?

According to Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre and well-known for Fat Reduction Surgery in Bangalore, Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure that removes excess fat deposits from different parts of the body.

However, Dr. Girish explains clearly that this surgery should not be considered as a weight loss surgery. It helps in giving a smooth body contour after the removal of excess fat deposits.

Is Liposuction Surgery Very Common?

Dr. Girish explains that Fat Removal Surgery is a trusted and preferred choice by patients not just in India, but overseas too. This is because it is 100% safe and delivers permanent results.

Am I a Candidate for Liposuction Surgery?

You are a candidate for Liposuction Surgery if:

  • You are an adult
  • Possesses an average body weight
  • Have a good health
  • Are a non-smoker and non-alcoholic
  • Other available treatments haven’t yielded desired results
  • Looking for 100% results and relief from fat deposits
Parts of Your Body Where Liposuction Can Be Performed:
  • Buttocks:

    Removes excess fat deposits around the buttocks and provides a more proportionate figure.

  • Waist and Flanks:

    Very common areas for fat deposits. Fat Reduction Surgery can help patients see great results, especially when they have reasonable-to-excellent skin elasticity.

  • Upper Arms:

    Liposuction Surgery smoothens and tightens the area around your upper arm for a firmer and more youthful appearance.

  • Stomach:

    The stomach area is prone to fat deposits. Liposuction can help patients achieve a slimmer, sleeker profile.

  • Hips:

    Fat Reduction Surgery can help women, remove excess deposits of fat around the hip area and create a more well-defined shape.

  • Thighs:

    Liposuction Surgery can benefit three major sections of your thighs and give your body a more defined appearance. They are; the inner thigh, the outer thigh and the anterior thigh region.

  • Chest:

    More commonly in men who suffer from Gynaecomastia, Liposuction is performed in conjunction with Gynaecomastia Surgery to remove excess, unwanted fat.

Cost of Liposuction in India: The Fat Removal Surgery Cost in India depends upon the type of surgery and quantum of work required. Hence, the cost can vary as follows:
  • Traditional liposuction –  70,000 – Rs. 1,20,000+GST
  • VASER liposuction –  1,00,000 – Rs. 1,50,000+GST
  • Power-assisted liposuction –  1,00,000 – Rs. 1,50,000+GST
  • High-definition liposuction – 1,25,000 – 1,75,000+GST
A Note from Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre:

The problem of dealing with excess fat deposits can be embarrassing to no end. Hence, if you are wondering where to find the best Liposuction Surgeon near you, connect with Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre in Bangalore, who leads by example with his surgical finesse, subject matter expertise and 100% success rates.