Facts and Myths about Breast Surgeries

Breast Surgeries have gained immense prominence in the recent past. While technology has given the much-needed boost when it comes to the final outcome, deciding about taking up the surgery in itself is a personal choice.

Speaking to a friend or relative who has undergone a Breast surgery treatment can no doubt give that much-needed confidence, but to help you make an informed decision, visiting a certified cosmetic surgeon with specific experience can be your best beginning.

In this article, Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre and well-known for Breast Augmentation and Breast Reduction surgery, shares some myths and facts about Breast surgeries.

Myths and Facts
  • Myth: Breast Implants need to be replaced after a certain period of time.
  • Facts: No Breast surgeries deliver permanent results.

If your surgery is handled by a board-certified cosmetic surgeon with excellent skillsets and specific experience, then you can look forward to nothing less than permanent results.

  • Myth: Travel, especially Air Travel, can be risky after a Breast surgery.
  • Fact: It is completely safe to travel by Air.

Air travel has no impact on Breast implants after a Breast surgery.

  • Myth: Implants may rupture after a Breast surgery.
  • Fact: Chances are extremely rare.

The risk of an implant rupturing is extremely rare unless you suffer a serious injury or accident that can cause harm your breasts.

  • Myth: Breast feeding can prove to be risky after a Breast surgery.
  • Fact: Breast surgeries do not impact Breast feeding.

Any type of Breast surgery, either Breast Augmentation or Breast Reduction does not affect your natural ability to breast feed. The implants do not affect the natural process of milk-producing glands.

  • Myth: Breast implants can cause Breast cancer.
  • Fact: The possibilities are extremely rare. Almost nil.

Breast implants have not been seen as a reason for the development of Breast cancer.


Breast surgeries have gained in popularity with women as it delivers long standing results. Like with any other surgery, the success of your breast surgery much depends on the experience and surgical skill sets of your cosmetic surgeon.

Meet Dr. Girish, recognized by many as the best for breast surgeries, to clear all your doubts and know its long standing advantages.