Deep Plane Facelift vs Traditional Facelift. Unveiling the Difference

Ageing is a natural process that cannot be curtailed. However, a very popular cosmetic surgery in the form of Facelift surgery in Bangalore, has made a significant difference to the lives of people, who would like to improve the sagging, wrinkles and volume loss in your face.

Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre and a very popular cosmetic surgeon explains that Facelift surgery can be performed as a Traditional Facelift surgery or a Deep Plane Facelift surgery.

How different are they? Let’s take a look.

Understanding Traditional Facelift surgery

This is a well-known procedure that addresses sagging skin, wrinkles and facial muscle laxity. Incisions are made around the ear area to access the skin and tighten it.

What is Deep Plane Facelift?

Deep Plane Facelift surgery in Bangalore is a more precise surgery where facial muscles and tissues are accessed more extensively to create much more natural looking and long-lasting results. Significant facial laxity and drooping can be addressed excellently with this approach.

Key Notable Differences

Dr. Girish emphasizes that while both the types offer excellent results, they are slightly different.

  • Traditional Facelift
    • Focuses on superficial
    • Pulled look.
    • Not very natural
  • Deep Plane Facelift
    • Addresses facial issues at more depth including facial muscles.
    • Much more clinical and natural looking results.
    • Permanent and long-lasting results when compared to traditional Facelift.
    • More value and return on your investment.
Note from Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre.

In summary, both traditional Facelift and Deep Plane Facelift are good options when it comes to Facial Rejuvenation. Understanding the key differences will help you make a much more confident decision based on you exact final outcome you desire.

To know more about affordable Facelift surgery in Bangalore, please connect with Dr, Girish and transform yourself into the youthful looks you always wanted to have.