Can Rhinoplasty Correct Breathing Problems

The significance of our nose from our mere existence point of view is very well-known. Looking into the functionalities of our nose, we are well aware that it can impact the way we look as well as our breathing activity. According to expert cosmetic surgeons, when it comes to feeling comfortable, confident and assured through your looks, there is nothing better and more specific than Rhinoplasty, the cosmetic surgery that can help you achieve your goals. This surgery is also called as Nose Job. However, not many of us are not aware that in addition to improving the aesthetics of our nose, it can also address breathing difficulties. In this blog we will explore how Rhinoplasty can correct breathing problems. Rhinoplasty and Breathing Problems: Experienced cosmetic surgeons well-known for Rhinoplasty Surgery in Bangalore India, explain that breathing problems can be caused due to various factors. The commonly observed one is deviated septum (a thin wall of cartilage and bone that divides the nasal passages into two). Rhinoplasty is an evidence based surgical solution that can correct a deviated septum by straightening it and improving breathing. Benefits of Rhinoplasty: Cosmetic Surgeons with loads of experience in performing Nose Surgery in Bangalore indicate that patients who choose Rhinoplasty can enjoy a more balanced and good appearance in addition to improved breathing. When it specifically comes to addressing breathing issues, this surgery:
  • Increases the quality of breathing.
  • Enhances sleep quality.
  • Significantly reduces snoring.
  • Prevents infections like Sinusitis.
Rhinoplasty Cost in Bangalore: The Nose Surgery cost in Bangalore, India starts from Rs. 75,000 – Rs. 1,20,000+GST.  Conclusion: Rhinoplasty delivers best results if performed by a surgeon with abundant experience and excellent skill sets. This is where Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre in Bangalore, India leads by example with his expertise and excellent track record. Hence, if you have been finding a permanent solution to your breathing issues, don’t hesitate to explore Rhinoplasty as a safe solution and feel free to connect with Dr. Girish.