7 Important Benefits of Liposuction

Cosmetic surgeries continue to be a gamechanger when it comes to delivering safe and permanent results. Several complicated conditions have been successfully addressed through professionally conducted cosmetic surgeries. One of the most talked about and widely preferred among these surgeries is Liposuction surgery in Bangalore, India.

In this article, Dr. Girish, Founder of Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre, recognized as the best Liposuction clinic in Bangalore India, explains what Liposuction is all about including its key benefits.

What is Liposuction Surgery?

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat deposits and reduces the discomfort caused due to them. It is among the most trusted surgical procedures for removing excess fat in areas like the face, neck, upper back, arms, forearms, chest, abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, calf and ankle.

Liposuction Before and After Before your surgery
  • Lab tests including blood tests.
  • Physical examination.
  • Studying your medical history.
  • Stop selective routine medications for some time.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Studying photographic documents and seeking consent for surgery.
After your surgery
  • Antibiotics and painkillers are prescribed.
  • Slight numbness, swelling, hardness possible in the operated area which will gradually subside within 4 – 6 weeks.
  • Post-operative follow up visits as indicated in your discharge summary.
  • Massage instructions will be given.
Key benefits of Liposuction in India

Liposuction surgery in India comes in with a host of benefits for the patients. Some of the key benefits include

  • Reshaping your body and giving you a more confident and dynamic appearance.
  • Infertility treatment after a Liposuction surgery is possible and has a higher success rate.
  • Maintains a balanced weight long after the surgery is successfully completed.
  • Induce better habits in the patients such as exercise and good dieting.
  • Improves the overall well-being of the patient and makes him feel very good and assured.
  • Decreases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension and joint pains.
  • Can enjoy using fit clothes.
Liposuction Surgery cost in Bangalore, India

Depending upon the type of Liposuction surgery your doctor recommends as per requirement, the cost of Liposuction in Bangalore, India can vary from Rs. 70,000 to Rs. 1,75,000 + GST.


The success of precision surgeries like Liposuction largely depends upon the surgical skill sets and experience of the performing cosmetic surgeon. As the best Liposuction surgeon in Bangalore, India, Dr. Girish continues to win the trust of his patients with his exceptional surgical skill sets and 100% permanent results.

To know more, feel free to connect with Dr. Girish at Curls & Curves Cosmetic Surgery Centre in Bangalore India.