According to the 2019 statistics, Nose reshaping or Rhinoplasty has become one of the top five cosmetic surgeries in India. Rising awareness about facial aesthetics and grooming has made this even more popular. Rhinoplasty is elective surgery, performed for improving breathing conditions or altering the shape and size of the nose. It can correct a broken nose structure after an accident or injury. Even to treat certain conditions such as sinus, restore facial symmetry, or correcting birth-defects, Nose job is the only answer! Either way, follow these guidelines to make the most of your investment!
Rhinoplasty Recovery in stages:
Stage 1- The first few days of post-Rhinoplasty surgery can be unpleasant as the nasal splint remains inside the nose. During this period, the patient should not get exposed to cold weather or dusty environments. It is perhaps best to avoid activities such as swimming or strenuous exercises that demand heavy breathing.
Avoid Spicy or Chewy Foods: Spicy foods and hard to chew foods are to be avoided in these times. Non-veg foods or even a chewing gum needs constant chewing action which puts pressure on the nasal cavity and delays the healing process. Stay away from cold fizzy beverages and alcohol. Alcohol thins the blood and increases the chances of internal bleeding. Coffee increases blood pressure and it must be avoided for the initial months.
Soft, freshly prepared home-cooked meals are best to enable the healing process.
Note: Loud sneezing can be hazardous in this period as it may rupture the wounds and delay healing. During sneezing, the mouth should be kept open to avoid any stress on the inner mucosal layer.
Also, it is most useful to avoid the use of spectacles or sun-glasses in this period.
Stage 2: It takes around 1 to 2 months for all the internal wounds to heal completely. Once the wounds heal completely, it is best to clean the nose gently and resume normal activities. It is still best to avoid very spicy or hot food items. Even refrain from hard to chew food items as it may potentially strain the facial muscles.
Stage 3- 3 months to 1-year post-surgery- As the initial swelling reduces, within a few weeks the skin and the nose contour start to re-form. It may take up to one year for the nose structure to show fully. In this period, you may notice gradual changes in the shape of the nose as it takes up a permanent form.
Every person is unique, and the Rhinoplasty procedure varies accordingly. Speak to your doctor before your surgery about what to eat and what to avoid. Most importantly: choose only the best! For the best rhinoplasty surgeries in Bangalore: contact Dr.Girish from Curls & Curves. Book your appointment today!