Top Things you don’t want to miss about Liposuction surgery

Now we all know that liposuction is a cosmetic procedure that removes the fat cells. Here are some interesting facts that you should know about.

What you should know about Liposuction:

Liposuction is not an alternative for weight loss.
If you have tried all other means such as following a healthy diet, regular working out at a Gym, and not giving in for pleasure eats, yet if you still have stubborn fat then, liposuction is a definite solution. If you are looking for a more defined figure, or want to remove stubborn areas of fat deposit which are difficult to shift with a good diet and regular exercise then cosmetic surgery like liposuction can be helpful.

How much weight can you lose through the liposuction process?

Well, as said earlier liposuction does not aid much in weight loss but it can sculpt you to shape and give contours that you wish to flaunt! Liposuction can assist in shaping areas such as hips, thighs, tummy, around the buttocks, arms, upper back, & face. The concept of body contouring needs a lot of skill and only well-experienced doctors can perform this under anesthesia. The whole process can be either done in intervals or at one sitting. You can choose from various options post consulting the surgeon.

Best way to get liposuction results

The best way to get good results from your liposuction surgery is to

  1. Relax
  2. There could be mild bruising, swelling, or some sort of discomfort, hardness in the initial days post-surgery. It is best to relax and allow the healing process to happen at its pace. It is recommended by doctors to take a week off from all of your work and follow a proper diet in the recovery period.

  3. Maintain a healthy lifestyle
  4. Post recovery, it is of utmost importance to follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid putting on unnecessary weight. Smoking and consumption of alcohol could be very harmful. Also, excessive eating can be equally dangerous. It is recommended, to follow proper dietary consumption of foods and exercise appropriately to rule out the chances of fat accumulation. Having healthy habits can get you maximum benefits from the liposuction surgery.

The best part of Liposuction surgery!

Liposuction leaves patients with very minimal scarring. That is one of the reasons for it to be such a popular procedure. Scars are tiny and often tend to fade within a few months. Get transformed into a new self with Curls & Curves. Call to book your appointment now!