What is FaceLift Surgery and Advantages

A facelift is the most comprehensive approach to treating facial wrinkles and sagging caused by aging. The surgery varies in range from minimally invasive ‘lunchtime lifts’ to more extensive, sophisticated surgery. A facelift removes excess skin, tightens underlying tissues and muscle and re drapes skin on the face and neck. It can correct mid face sagging, marionette lines, jowls and a double chin, maintaining its reputation as the ‘gold standard’ for facial rejuvenation. Every year, thousands of people undergo successful facelift surgery and are pleased with the results.

When to Consider a Facelift

  • If you feel that your face does not reflect your youthful spirit and energy level
  • If you determine that your facial sagging and excess skin is a social or career obstacle
  • If you show signs of facial aging but still have some skin elasticity
  • One day you look in the mirror and realize that time, gravity, sun exposure and heredity have taken a toll and you simply do not look like yourself any more.

Advantages of FaceLift Surgery

  • A facelift can improve many areas of the face in one surgery
  • Can last for ten years or more and can make you appear ten to fifteen years younger
  • Can re contour the neck and jawline better than all other techniques

How is a facelift procedure performed?

Most facelift techniques focus on the lower facial areas, such as the jawline, jowls and cheeks. A facelift can also focus on the mid face or the forehead. In some techniques, deeper facial tissues may be re positioned or tightened to restore a more youthful contour. In other techniques, removal or addition of fat or other soft-tissue fillers may be necessary to achieve the best results. Today, many different techniques exist with outcomes that can be consistently reliable, safe, and durable. Your incisions will depend on the area of the face that is targeted and the amount of change you want.